Tony and Me

Tony and Me
Mommy and Daddy!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Beautiful Pictures!!!!


Here are more pictures of my precious angel.  There is a sweet lady in China....Ann, who has a website and she has all kinds of packages you can order to be sent to your child at their orphanage...or if you want to put together your own package and send it, she will help you with that as well and make sure that everything gets to the orphanage.  She will also request updated information and pictures.  Ann sent me these pictures this morning!  Wow...I am so ready to go over there and get this beautiful angel who has stolen my heart and soul!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update on Sophie!

We received a new picture on Tuesday, 04/12/11!!!  Sophie is 5 months old in this picture!  She will be 6 months old on the 18th of this month!  She weighs almost 18 lbs and is about 24 inches in height!  Isn't she absolutely adorable?  We just can't wait to hold her and finally be a family! Mom is going to get to go with us and we are so excited that she will be there when we are handed that precious angel...kind of like having her there for the "birth"!!!!! We have been waiting on our Visa's, updating paperwork, buying baby essentials to take with us on our trip(who new there were sooooo many baby things to buy..ha!!!), finishing up the nursery and waiting...waiting...waiting...on our travel approval from China.  We're coming Sophie...we're coming!

Friday, April 1, 2011

We got our Match! Meet Sophie Jane Wardell (Gan Fu Sheng)

Today has been such an AMAZING and emotional day!  Rumors were that our referral had left China and was on it's way...but nothing was confirmed really until today....Our "package" arrived from China this afternoon and we met at our China coordinators home at around 4:45 this afternoon.  We met Sophie on paper...she is 5 months old...her DOB is 10/18/10.  I can't believe how young she is!  She is one of the youngest referrals that our agency has received from China.  What an angel.  What a precious gift from God!!!!  ISN'T SHE ADORABLE!!!!  We will probably go to China in about 4-6 weeks.  I absolutely can't wait!!!!