Tony and Me

Tony and Me
Mommy and Daddy!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bonding With Baby

Going out for a stroll folks!

Somebunny loves me!

I'm so happy with all this attention I'm getting!  I think I'll become a ham for the camera!

When I'm sleepy, one thing I try to do to stay awake is rub my head!

Rubbing my head causes me to have crazy hair!

Asleep at last!

 This week has been a very life changing experience for both Tony and me! We are still in Nanchang, China and will fly to Guanzhou tomorrow morning to spend the next week there. Then we get to cmoe week from today...yea!!! We have spent the greatest portion of our week just spending time loving our little precious baby.  We have gone out to eat a few times and gone to the market to get baby supplies and bottled water/soft drinks. We have had some funny things with baby experiences this week.  The orphanage started their potty training of the babies at 4 months old, so the hotel sent up a baby potty and we have actually been sitting Sophie on the baby potty just to see if she would do anything.  She will cross her little feet and rock back and forth!  The first two or three times...nothing, but then low and behold, we put her up there and she actually pee-pee'd in that little orange potty.  Nothing since, but I was amazed!!!  She is very active and has been trying to turn over onto her tummy everytime she is lying on our bed...on Wednesday, she actually turned over onto her tummy!  Hasn't done it since, but keeps trying and trying.  She is mostly a very happy baby...smiles and goos...makes good eye contact...grins when you talk to her...very alert...VERY PRECIOUS!!! We have taken MANY pictures of her, video taped every cute little look, changed diapers, fed her bottles, cleaned up BIG blow outs...( does something so small produce such massive messes?)  Ha!!!  Not gotten much sleep and feeling very inadequate at this parenting thing...being totally responsible for this tiny, little, beautiful gift from God....yep...worrying about every little cry, hiccup, whether she's too hot, too cold.  Mom has laughed at me because I get so worried...she is the most wonderful help to me.  I just don't know what I would have done without her during this time...not that Tony is not a big help...but you just need your Mom...or I know that I DO!!!!  We were supposed to get our passport for Sophie yesterday, but somehow, they made a mistake with her Chines name and did not write the correct character for her name and they have to do it all over again...we are supposed to get it by next more thing to worry about!!!  But you know what????  God is in control of ALL of this and it is all going to work out according to His it's gonna all be OK!!!  I just can't get over how much He has truly blessed us by bringing this precious bundle of joy into our hearts and lives.  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!

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